1 Foret Landes
Night kayaking and canoeing was a fun and offbeat exercise. Ten of us took up the challenge with our guide in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We had shorty wetsuits and headlamps loaned by the club, and we got a very comprehensive briefing: “Here, the current is slow but the water is very cold. You should stay in the boat unless it hits a sand bank” for example. The atmosphere was good, with lots of laughter. The forest in the middle of the night plays on your subconscious – stories of witches and wolves from your childhood were never far from everyone’s thoughts! After a good half hour telling jokes, we finally managed to coordinate with each other without talking too much.
Silence as we took to the water…
Along the way we often heard the breath of an animal, probably much smaller than it sounded, but certainly very close, on the banks. They were more scared of us than we were of them and they scarpered pretty quickly. A magic and unreal feeling to have those pairs of glowing eyes appear between the leaves all the same!
Further on, we came across lots of flights of fireflies leaving their fluorescent trails above the water, a soothing and natural light that gives you a real connection to the genius of nature. At the end of the ride, well an hour and a half later we were all calm and reflective, a real change of spirit among our troupe that showed we’d had quite a unique experience!
In July-August only, reservation necessary.
Your turn to try it out!