Carte touristique de Côte Landes NatureLa Carte Touristique Côte Landes Nature est à votre disposition dans tous nos Bureaux d'Information Touristique pour vous indiquer les meilleurs sites de notre territoire

How to come ?

in Côte Landes Nature

Central in Les Landes, along the atlantic cost, half-way between Le Bassin d’Arcachon & le Pays Basque : our area is perfectly located !

Easy by car

Coming from Paris, you just have to drive on the highway A 10 to Bordeaux, then follow the A63 to Bayonne / Saint Sébastien!

  • Heading to Contis plage or Saint Julien en Born? Take the exit #14 Onesse et Laharie, then drive to Mézos on the road D-38 and you will arrive soon.
  • Heading to Lévignacq, Uza, Lit et Mixe or the wonderful beach of Cap de l’Homy? Take the exit #13 to Lesperon, and straight ahead on the road D-41.
  • Looking for Linxe, the Lake of Léon, or the beaches in Vielle Saint Girons? Don’t miss the exit #12 to Castets!

Fast by train or bus

From the train station in Paris Montparnasse you will get to the train station in Dax with TGV Atlantique in 3h20 !

Dax  is the most central train station in Les Landes, with a large range of trains (TGV or TER)

Morcenx is a little bit closer to Côte Landes Nature but its train station is only accessible by TER Nouvelle-Aquitaine, bonus : there is space for bicycle on those trains!

Informations, prices & schedules on :

During summer time, buses take you from the train stations in Les Landes, to Côte Landes Nature :

  • Ligne XL’R 44 : DAX – Lit et Mixe
  • Ligne XL’R 45 : MORCENX – Contis plage

Schedules on :

From Paris or Saint Sébastien in Spain, you can arrive in Castets with

Even by plane!
