Côte Landes Nature TourismeOffice de Tourisme de la communauté de communes de Côte Landes Nature, soit 10 villages de Contis à Léon
©Office de Tourisme
Côte Landes Nature Tourisme

Qualité Tourisme

committed to its clients

Give your opinion and help us improve

In this article, you will be able to find different sheets allowing you to give your opinion and therefore help us give better services.

With the trademarck QUALITE TOURISMETM and being classified as a 1st category by Office de Tourisme de France,

Here are our customer commitments in Côte Landes Nature Tourisme, community tourism office and our tourist information offices in Saint-Julien-en-Born, Lit-et-Mixe and Léon.

  • Before you arrive 
    We provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on site or remotely;
    We advise you in the preparation of your stay by personalizing our suggestions as close as possible to your expectations;
    We value our territory, our departement and our region.


  • During your stay 
    We welcome you to our tourist offices with all our attention and full availability, in your language as far as possible;
    We adapt the reception to each type of audience;
    We are committed to providing you with information in accordance with your request;
    We adapt our opening hours to the flows but also to your habits;
    We bring you new services (wifi, mobile reception);
    We offer you “sustainable” modes of transport such as beach bus shuttles, cycle paths and hiking trails.


  • Once you leave 
    We analyze your comments and suggestions in order to be in constant improvement;
    We take into account and process all your complaints.


We are also committed to a sustainable development approach, in accordance with the values of our territory: Côte Landes Nature.
Comply with the requirements of the QUALITE TOURISMETM  brand and the classification criteria.

You can contact us 

By email : contact@cotelandesnaturetourisme.com

By post mail : Côte Landes Nature Tourisme – A l’attention du Référent Qualité – 201 route des Lacs 40170 SAINT JULIEN EN BORN

The suggestion form is to be used to report incidents or to share an idea for improvment

The complaint form is to be used to report a deviation from a service

The satisfaction questionnaire is to be used to give your opinion on your contact with the staff of our Tourist Office
